The oddest thing i’ve ever driven: POLARIS SLINGSHOT
Where did we go?
Polaris Slingshot invited various content creators in the automotive industry to test ride the 2022 Slingshot in California, including, yours truly, Doodle. As a currently exclusively motorcycle YouTuber, this was a bit different than what I was used to.
Although the model I rode had the doors that opened up like Doc’s time traveling Delorean, I was getting some serious Batmobile vibes. We rode to O’Neil park, Crystal Cove park, and at the end of the day, we could ride off on our own as well.
Who else was there?
Your biker girl YouTuber was feeling a bit out of her element. Usually when I go to a press event like this - I know (or know of) almost everyone there. At this event, I may have been the only exclusively motorcycle content creator. Many car guys and ladies were there, like Gas Monkey Garage (who brought his model of a wife) Joe Jitsukawa, Jax Cars & Motorcycles, and professional basketball player Monique Billings.
How FUN was the Polaris Slingshot?
The most important question of course…
I saw someone (troll of course) say that Slingshots were boring. A 3 wheeled open air vehicle that whips around like an adult bumper car… boring? If you only drive a Slingshot in traffic, on the highway, you are not experiencing the full extent of its fun factor. Same thing with a motorcycle. And in that case, yes, I would say that it is boring. BUT IF YOU TAKE IT TO TWISTIES… somewhere you can whip around the corners faster than you may be able to go on a motorcycle (unless you’re an avid track rider) THEN THAT IS WHEN THE SLINGSHOT REALLY SINGS.
Although… I personally would still have a great time taking a Slingshot to the grocery store, the post office, the doctor’s office, my eyebrow studio, the grocery store again…
The famous Skratch onsite custom painting helmets for us
Where did we stay?
We stayed at the beautiful Inn at Laguna Beach
MY FAVORITE thing about Slingshots…
…Is that you can involve people that would never join you on a motorcycle. Like my mom for instance. At 32 years old, I’ve been riding for 5 years, and she is still afraid for me riding motorcycles. So I was shocked when she saw the Slingshot parked in my garage last year and asked to go for a ride.
She didn’t want to leave neighborhoods going faster than 25 mph in it, but the fact that she came with me… made this biker (now automotive?) girl quite excited.